

Heeft iets of iemand wel een applausje verdiend? Je kunt dat nu letterlijk aan iemand schenken!

Het geklap in dit zakje is geprint op groeipapier en bevat klaprooszaadjes. Leg het op de aarde (in 't voorjaar) of binnen in een pot. Bedek met wat aarde en maak iedere dag vochtig. Bij aandachtige verzorging groeien deze zaadjes uit tot bloemen die voor je applaudisseren! Hopelijk net zo mooi als op de laatste foto!
'Applaus!' is vanaf nu verkrijgbaar in mijn shop!


Pop-Up Gallery II

(Click to enlarge!)
Last Saturday was a success! Thanks, Sandra, for opening up your home! I couldn't describe 'the feeling' of the day any better than friend and visitor Sarah did. You can read them on her blog.



3 New models in my webshop! Unfortunately for you the black model in the first picture above is not for sale...


Pop-Up Gallery

Sandra (Van San) invites you into her beautiful living room for a concert on Friday, January 14th and a Pop-Up shop on Saturday, January 15th.

On Saturday, Megan (Frank & Gertrude), Sandra and I will be selling our hand made products and... serving tea and home made cakes. Come and bring your friend(s) along!

P.S.: Megan made the beautiful poster!

The details:


This is (half of) what they were given:
This is how it was received (speaking of attention!):
And this is what caught their attention:
 One of the two New Year's custom made gifts for employees of a company working in the cultural sector. Inside the little box there were 10 coupons in total. I'll share the other gift soon!



Remember I was going to share photos of the 'wonderzetter'
(= miracle maker/coaster > once again, the things I make often aren't suitable for the English market...!)? Here you go!


From my kitchen

Welcome 2011! And welcome back at work, Annet! You haven't heard from me in a while, as I enjoyed a large part of my Christmas break in the kitchen, making delicious live food dishes. I love being able to make mouth watering meals using raw veggies, fruit, nuts & seeds only! 100% Natural and organic. From top to bottom you see: walnut carob cookies dipped in chocolate, green salad, live pizza, live tiramisu (it's true!), oat & raisin cookies and flax pancakes. Needless to say my 'other half' also thoroughly enjoyed his Christmas break...!